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Welcome to Fairview Community Primary School

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Support Staff

School Office

Office Manager - Liz Hewkins

Administration Officer - Sarah Gibson

Administration Officer - Julie Jury

Administration Officer - Sky Johnston

Kitchen Manager - Mrs Petra Taylor

Midday Meal Supervisors

Lunchtime Manager - Janet Nutley

Sparkle Club - Llian Scales and Julie Stone

FS - Sophie Downham, Julie Kaur and Vicky Stagg.

KS1 - Sue Ball, Sylvia Gill, Becky Leaney, Rebecca Mitchell, Margaret Rumsey and Liz Vine. 

Oasis Club - Emma Downs and Ivilina Pareshkevova

LKS2 - Alix Bailey, Lynne Burgess, Lauren Coombes, Nicola Humphrey, Ginny Mailing, Claire Keeler.

UKS2 - Nicola Bishop, Bronwynn Hooper, Jo Morley, Ashlie Planner and Caroline Tingley. 


Paula Berry, Grace Boots, Michelle Daczo-Simpson, Kamaldeep Sandhu, Lucy Petit and Danielle Holroyd.

Site Team

Site Manager - Martin Allen

Care Takers - Dawn Malaj, Ben Martin and Scott Dinnes.
