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Parent Workshops

Throughout the year we offer a range of workshops that provide information, support and guidance to parents and carers. Some of the sessions will help you to understand how the children are taught certain subjects and what you can do to help at home. Please check this page for updates throughout the year.

Year Group Meet and Greets

Please see below for the Meet and Greet presentations shown at each year group meeting. 

Medway Parent and Carer Workshops 2024-25

Please see the attachment below for details of Medway parent and carer workshops which you may wish to book throughout the year. 

NELFT Online Workshops - Terms 5 & 6 2024

Once again, the Emotional Wellbeing/Support Team will be offering online parent workshops over terms 5 & 6. Please see below the posters for each workshop, which all include a Teams link and joining information. 

Pastoral Team Coffee Mornings

Please see attached information about our new informal pastoral coffee mornings. 



These are open for all parents/carers, and it is a chance to meet other mums, dads, carers, grandparents and have a cup of tea/coffee and a chat. 

We would love to see as many of you there as possible! 

Thank you 

Mrs Hind & Mrs Nutley

The Medway Test Parent Meeting

Wednesday 8th May 2024 - 3pm


During the meeting, we provided information about the Medway Test, including what it entails, how it will be conducted, and what you can do to support your child in preparing for it. Additionally, we discussed special arrangement applications for students who may require extra support or adjustments during the test. 


Please click below for the slides from the meeting. If you have any questions please contact your child's teacher.

Phonics Screening Workshop

Monday 22nd April 2024 - 3pm


Please see below the parent presentation for the Year 1 Phonics Screening which will take place week commencing 10th June 2024. 


We really hope this was informative and gave you detailed ways to support your child with reading and phonics at home. We would also like to direct you to our phonics page, where there are lots of resources to give you tips and hints about how to support your child develop with their reading. Click here for our phonics page.


Any questions, please contact your child's teacher. 

EWT/EST Online Parent Workshops - Term 4 2024

Please see below posters for parent workshops being held by the NELFT (North East London NHS Foundation Trust) team this term. The links to join the workshops are on the posters. 

Year 4 Times Tables Test – Parent Workshop

Wednesday 21st February - 9am


Please see below the parent presentation for the Year 4 Times Tables Test which will take place in June 2024. Any questions, please contact your child's teacher. 

Helping your Child with Fears and Worries Parent Course

The Emotional Support Team (NELFT) are offering an online parent/carer course on Helping with your Child’s Fears and Worries. Please find the information sheet below. 


If you are interested in attending this course, please complete the attached request for support form above and send it back to us via by Friday 26th January 2024. If you require a printed copy, please let us know. 


The NELFT team will then contact you to arrange a brief telephone call to gather more information from you prior to the course. 


The course will start on Wednesday 21st February 2024 for 6 sessions over the course of 9 weeks. The group will be online via TEAMS.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch 

Kind regards 

Mrs Hind & Mrs Nutley 

FS Early Learning Goals Parents Meeting

Monday 15th January 2024 - 3pm


Please click below for a copy of the presentation shown at the above parents meeting.
