School Lunches
School Lunches
Lunches are cooked on site in the school kitchen by The Contract Dining Company. We provide healthy meals for our pupils to enjoy which provides them with all the nutrients and energy to get them through their busy day. We have a three week menu offering a wide selection and choice to suit everybody’s taste.
There is a choice of main course (including vegetarian) and dessert, as well as fresh fruit.
Our meals are freshly prepared daily by a dedicated team using fresh ingredients and from local suppliers. Our seasonal menus are refreshed twice a year in Spring and Autumn and meet Bronze Food For Life Standards as well as exceed the current national nutritional standards
All food served by the kitchen meet the government's strict guidelines. If your child has an special dietary requirement i.e. allergy or diabetes, allergen request forms & carbohydrate count forms will also available from the school office.
For the Contract Dining Room website, please click here.
We have a number of children who have a serious allergic reaction to nuts, therefore please ensure your child’s packed lunch does not contain nuts of any description, including peanut butter and some chocolate spreads.
Free School Meals
All Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 pupils are entitled to a daily free school meal under the Government’s ‘Universal Free School Meals’ scheme. Children may choose from the main meal of the day or a vegetarian option and this will include a dessert and a drink of water.
KS2 Lunches
In Key Stage 2, all dinners, with the exception of those children in receipt of free school meals, will be charged £2.34 per day. If you think you may be eligible for free school meals, please complete an application on the following link:
All meals need to be ordered via ParentMail by the night before. The menus are set up for 6 weeks, therefore, you can order daily, weekly, monthly - whatever is best for you.
Packed Lunches from Home
Alternatively, children may choose to bring their own packed lunch. We would encourage you to prepare a healthy lunch for your child and limit chocolate to once a week. Packed lunches should be brought in a named lunch box which can be stored in school. Glass bottles and canned drinks are not permitted.
Advice on Healthy Packed Lunches
Help at Lunchtime
Play Leaders supervise and support the children during the lunch period, and in addition a senior member of staff is also available to deal with any emergencies.