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After-School Clubs

At Fairview we offer a range of after-school clubs for

children from reception to year 6.


We offer children the opportunities to try different free, or paid for clubs, including sport, science, music, and library. All clubs normally run 3:30-4:30pm unless stated otherwise. The clubs are a fantastic opportunity for children to socialise with others outside the classroom environment, learn new skills and have fun!


Please see below for our after school clubs terms and conditions. 


Please see below our overview for clubs in term 1 and more information on each club:


Clubs - Term 6
Day & DatesSportYearsTimeLocationTeacherCollection
10/06, 17/06, 24/06, 01/07, 08/07Dodgeball 3 to 63.30-4.30Field or KS2 hall if it rainsJamie Town from ID PE & SportFront Playground
10/06, 17/06, 24/06MYG Cricket 5 to 63.30-4.30Field Mr Harris & Mr Bodkin Front Playground
10/06, 17/06, 24/06, 01/07, 08/07MYG Football1 to 23.30-4.30KS1 hall Harvey's Sports Academy - Craig Harvey Front Playground
10/06, 17/06, 24/06, 01/07, 08/07Mindfullness & Meditation 2 to 33.30-4.30Robins Classroom Mrs Stanton Office reception 
10/06, 17/06, 24/06, 01/07, 08/07Chess Club4 to 63.30-4.30Dolphins ClassroomMrs Harvey & Mrs Marco KS2 Disco Door
04/06, 11/06, 18/06, 25/06, 02/07, 09/07Boxing3 to 63.30-4.30KS2 hall Olympia Boxing CICOffice reception 
04/06, 11/06, 18/06, 25/06,  09/07Busy BodiesR to 13.30-4.30KS1 Hall Jess from Busy BodiesOffice reception 
04/06, 11/06, 18/06, 25/06, 02/07, 09/07Storytime 1 to 33.30-4.30LibraryMrs Stanton KS2 Disco door 
16/04, 23/04, 30/04, 07/05, 14/05, 21/05Dreamy Drummers2 to 63.30-4.30Music Room Mrs Pithman KS2 Disco Door
05/06, 12/06,19/06, 26/06, 03/07MYG Athletics5 to 63.30-4.30FieldMrs SaputoFront playground 
05/06, 12/06,19/06, 26/06, 03/07,10/07PSA Football3 to 63.30-4.30FieldPSA Football Coach KS2 Playground
17/04, 24/04, 01/05, 08/05, 15/05, 22/05Book Club2 to 33.30-4.30Library Mrs CowdryKS2 Disco Door
17/04, 24/04, 01/05, 08/05, 15/05, 22/05Choir2 to 63.30-4.30KS1 Hall Mrs CarterOffice reception
17/04, 24/04, 01/05, 08/05, 15/05, 22/05Girls Sports Development Squad5 to 612.30-1.00KS2 Hall Mrs Saputo & Mr Bodkin N/A
13/06, 20/06, 27/06, 04/07, 11/07Street Dance  1 to 63.30-4.30KS2 hallSophie (Soph's Lil Groovers)Office reception
06/06, 13/06, 20/06, 27/06, 04/07, 11/07Hockey1 to 23.30-4.30PlaygroundKickstart Sports Coach Office reception 
06/06, 13/06, 20/06, 04/07, 11/07Book Club4 to 63.30-4.30Library Mrs Pithman KS2 Disco door
06/06, 13/06, 20/06, 27/06, 04/07, 11/07Art & Crafts1 to 23.30-4.30Lions Classroom Miss Deacon Lions outside classroom door
06/06, 13/06, 20/06, 27/06, 04/07, 11/07FAB 2 to 63.30-4.30 Music Room  Mrs CarterKS2 Disco Door
06/06, 13/06, 20/06, 27/06, 04/07, 11/07Walking Lunchtime Club5 to 61.00-1.30OfficeOffice StaffN/A
14/06, 21/06, 28/06, 12/07Irish Dancing2 to 63.30-4.30KS1 HallThe McManigan Sullivan Academy of Irish DanceOffice reception
Term dates confirmed with Spotlites Theatre.Spotlites Theatre Company 3 to 63.30-4.30KS2 HallSpotlites Theatre CompanyKS2 Disco Door 

After School Club Terms & Conditions
