Maths Support
Useful websites to support your child's Maths learning in KS1 and KS2:
- BBC Bitesize - click here
- Purple Mash (logins in contact books or ask your teacher) - click here
- Education City (logins in contact books or ask your teacher) - click here
- NRICH website - click here
- Numbots/Times table rockstars - click here
- The Topmarks website ( has lots of useful games, which are engaging and free to use, for example, Hit the Button - click here.
- Crickweb KS1 (free online maths resources and games) - click here.
- Daily 10 game (also from Top Marks) - click here.
Ideas to support your child's Maths learning in KS1:
- Practising Mental Maths when you are out and about
- Practising number bonds to 10 and 20 using every day objects such as pasta or pencils
- Practising 2, 5 and 10 times tables
- Using coins - play shops or go to the actual shops and pay for things themselves
- Telling the time on an analogue clock
Additional Useful websites to support your child's Maths learning in KS2:
- A Maths Dictionary For Kids by Jenny Eather - click here.
- KS2 Maths BBC Bitesize - click here.
- Snappy Maths Snappy Maths (Free worksheets and interactive mathematics resources) - click here.
- Crickweb KS2 (free online maths resources and games) - click here.
- Maths Zone Cool Learning Games (Maths Games and Learning Activties for Fun) - click here.
- Maths is Fun - Interactive resources and games. - click here.
- I Love Maths Games (games, puzzles and tools) - click here.
Guides to support different maths concepts from White Rose
Videos for the above guides are also available here.