Admissions Arrangements
If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of Medway's admission arrangements via the links below, including the Council's contact details and In Year Admissions Application Form.
Upon receipt of an In Year Admissions Application, the school will respond in writing of the outcome within 15 days. If the decision is no, due to the school year being at it's published number, you have the right to appeal. Please click here for Medway Council's website for further information on this process.
As a maintained Local Authority school we follow Medway's admission arrangements please see the link below for their Primary Admission Policy.
In Year Casual Admission Application Form
Medway Council Primary Admission Policy 2023-2024
Medway Council Primary Admission Policy 2022-2023
In summary, if our school is oversubscribed, all eligible children will be considered according to Medway's Admission criteria:
- Children in Public Care
Child's health reasons (medical evidence must be provided which demonstrates a specific health reason that requires a child to attend the preferred school)
Current family association (brother or sister in the school at the time of application)
Nearness of children's homes
Our admission number is 90 children per year group.
Unfortunately, in line with Medway Council policy, there is no automatic admission into Reception for Fairview Nursery children; a separate application should be made for admission to Year R.