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School Council




For the school year 2022-2023, our School Council class reps are:


Year 1Iris, Tommy, Willow
Year 2Bethany, Theo, Penny
Year 3Buddy, Hope, Oscar
Year 4 Daisy, Joelle, Casey
Year 5Amelia, Darcey, Myles
Year 6Esjay, Harper, Daisy


As a Fairview School Council, we have looked for ways to help our school community improve things as a school and to support different projects including in our school, in our community and nationally. Our School Council Reps are the voice for their class to share their ideas and make a difference.


School Council 2023-24

The school counsellors are currently discussing the new caterers for lunches, The Contract Dining Company, with their classes and recording what they like and dislike. They will also be asking their classmate's opinions on the toilets and how they can be better. This is valued feedback from the children to make things better.


School Council 2022-23

A big project at the start of the year was to collect suggestions for different charities that Fairview could support over the year.  With so many amazing charities around the children in school wanted to support, it was hard deciding which ones could be supported through the academic year. 


Some of the charities the children chose to support in 2022-2023 were:

  • The BBC Children in Need, where the school council chose a 'Comfy Clothes Day' and designed the posters to go up around school. 
  • The Harvest Reverse Advent Calendar for the Medway Foodbank, where the classes collected an amazing amount of food and seasonal treats from the foodbank’s ‘wish list’, 
  • They chose the 'Save the Children Christmas Jumper Appeal' where the school community wore their favourite Christmas jumpers for the day.
  • For Red Nose Day the children had fun wearing clothes to make people laugh.
  • For Anti-Bullying Week they had 'Odd Socks Day' and showed off how it was OK to be different. 
  • To increase the experiences, as a staff, we supported the MacMillan Coffee Morning and the Demelza Christmas Card Appeal.


Chartwells, who provided our school meals, wanted to know from the children how they found the school dinner choices. The School Council Reps found out from their classes their views then attended the meeting well prepared to give their suggestions as needed. Chartwells were able to take on board some ideas but also explained why some things couldn’t happen. Truly a pupil voice!


Thank you School Council Reps for helping make our school community and beyond even better.
