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Welcome to Fairview Community Primary School

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Click here for our Curriculum

Our Curriculum Intent

At Fairview, we aspire to design and deliver a curriculum that is broad, balanced and engaging for all learners. Our vision is for a curriculum based on carefully planned sequences which will inspire our children and allow them to progressively build their knowledge and skills. We have high expectations for all members of our school community and aim to create an environment where every child feels they can succeed through support and challenge that is appropriate for them.


We aim to support the children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development as well as their academic progress, helping them to thrive in all areas and prepare them to succeed in life.

We aim to ‘begin at home’ with each topic, starting with the children making links with their local area before thinking more widely to the country they live in and then branching out more widely to consider links with other locations around the world. This enables us to make purposeful and memorable links with the world around us.


Fairview’s curriculum is designed using a thematic approach and aims to make cross-curricular links wherever possible in order to enhance the children’s learning. Our vision is to begin each topic with a critical question to spark the children’s interest and to begin generating ideas, with the planned sequences of learning building the knowledge and skills they will require to answer that question at the end of the unit. This may take many forms, for example a written report, an interactive presentation to parents/other children or a video presentation/performance that can be shared with the school community etc.
